Prisons and Jails are Still Recovering from the Pandemic Lag

Jail and Prison Ministers are heading back to work everywhere after shut downs during the Pandemic 2020.  Across the nation jail and prisons were locked down during the pandemic and it seemed to take an inordinate amount of time to reopen to ministers.  This problem is being reported across the country.  All prisons and jails aren’t still up and running at100%. We are seeing movement and changes in many of the systems.

Most Wardens and Chief Deputy Jailers understand the rights and importance of providing religious services to inmates.  Statistics overwhelmingly prove the value of religious services in jails and prisons for both the inmates and the jailers.  Systems with established services operate with less violence and more cooperation, a proven fact.  Often due to personnel shortages and cost, facilities took time to rebuild staff and get back up to speed after the pandemic.  There are still major staffing shortages across the county.  Patience and Faith shall get us back to full work again.


SIGNS AND WONDERS OF GOD by Rev Luke Edmondson


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